ENISA’s Udo Helmbrecht welcomes new DSiN chairman and calls for a multi-stakeholder approach

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On the occasion of the advisory meeting of ‘Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.’(DSiN), Prof. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) and member of DSiN’s advisory board, welcomes Dr Thomas Kremer (Deutsche Telekom) as the new chairman of DsiN, and speaks out for a targeted multi-stakeholder approach for the future work of the initiative.

“‘Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V.’ (DSiN) has made a considerable contribution to increasing IT-security in Germany. Having grown substantially in the last years, now it is time to streamline DSiN’s efforts and institutionalize partnerships and cooperation with consumers, business and policy makers on all levels” said Prof. Dr. Udo Helmbrecht.

Helmbrecht who talked to decision makers at the ‘Deutschland sicher im Netz e.V’ event on the 3rd November 2015, referenced ENISA’s multi-stakeholder approach, such as for example, implemented through the European Cyber Security Month. From ENISA’s perspective a multi-stakeholder approach including public and private actors, networks of multipliers and targeted relations to government is necessary to reach out to new influencers, encourage new public-private activities and to send out a clear message to all involved stakeholders with the most possible attraction by media. Helmbrecht recommends cooperating with public authorities at state level in order to “create synergies between existing programs and objectives”, for example with national data protection authorities, regulatory bodies and academia.

The DSiN faces challenges with a particular national focus, but can find inspiration from the best practices at European level such as those showcased by ENISA. With its tenth anniversary just around the corner, DSiN can look back onto a decade of successfully promoting and improving IT-security in Germany, as the incorporated association of public and private organizations under the aegis of the German Ministry of the Interior, offering both, independent and targeted advice to SMEs and consumers. Over the years, DSiN has extended its membership structure, including key market players. Hence, a multi-stakeholder approach, streamlining the association’s capacities and programs, will help to best address consumers and businesses on the regional, national and EU level.

ENISA takes a particular interest in public-private partnerships (PPPs) and coalitions such as that with DSiN, as these serve as good examples of what can be achieved through such networks. “ENISA looks forward to the advancement of the Digital Single Market objectives for public-private partnerships”.

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